Saturday, December 17, 2005

belated/product of laziness/end of semester ennui...

I have one of those headaches that comes from sitting in the same spot for three hours straight. Boredom headaches. I get these all the time when I am driving to Chambana or sitting in the laundry room on the bottom floor of E-haus. I am so bored that I can’t even write an interesting blog entry. (Stupid laundry).

Okay, so I have no plan/outline/purpose for this entry. I probably won’t even publish it. I’m just bored. I think I might perhaps fill out a survey about my life. I think I might perhaps write a survey about my life and then answer the questions. Yes, indeed, that I will do.

And now, for something completely different…

1. Desired name: I used to be obsessed with some Rumanian circus performers because they had exotic names. They had exotic names AND they could jump from an elephant to a trapeze and back to the elephant again doing nifty somersaults in the meanwhile…I used to be angry that my parents weren’t Rumanian circus performers. Having an elephant as a best friend sounded fun, and besides, Aurelia is so much cooler than Courtney. That resentment was short-lived, however. In fifth grade I realized that my middle name was “Ann” and that is SO much cooler than the name of some Rumanian gymnast. So cool, in fact, that I scrawled “Ann” in loopy handwriting on all of my papers for school. Once again, that was short-lived, because I started getting zeros.
2. number of limbs: 4, I think
3. favorite quasi-big-brother- Josef
4. Favorite year of your life: who says that 18 is the peak of your life? Who deemed sweet sixteen “sweet?” I maintain that the terrible twos are, in fact, wonderful. Maybe not the best, but certainly rich. Too young to yield to the evils of socialization, too strong-willed to succumb to conformity and world-weariness, I knew who I was at age two. Oh, and I had a boyfriend named Timmy. He was swell. He once took me on a super-romantic date to McDonalds for a Happy Meal back in the day when you actually got a Happy Meal carton with cool handles.
5. a word that you absolutely cannot pronounce: well, we all know that I can’t say “moustache.” I used to horribly mispronounce “plethora,” thanks to my family. That ended when I read an English paper out loud in the eighth grade. People laughed. And pointed. And shunned me from the intellectual community.
6. Favorite Greek tyrant: Hippias was the hippest. He got ousted pretty quickly, though.
7. Favorite fricative: đ I like writing the d with a tail. It has class.
8. Favorite pet: my hermit crabs from my childhood. They had glow-in-the-dark shells and they would get naked and creep people out. It was freaking awesome.
9. chocolate milk or surge? Chocolate surge?
10. hookah or cloves? I have yet to try the former. Aladdin’s is calling me. Cloves are pretty sweet (no pun intended).
11. favorite pantry: the one at Karah’s house, of course! IT HAS STAIRS!
12. goals in life: to find a goal. I have a passion to find a passion. I’d also like to go to Djibouti, because I write about it enough. I’d like to skip on the Great Wall of China and take a photography tour of South America. I also want to get married. And be fluent in Spanish. And raise my kids to be multi-lingual, because I also envy international students have spoken five languages since their inception. Oh, and since I probably won’t do any of these things, I’d like to learn how to be satisfied in the real-world…right here, right now, in the laundry room on the bottom of E-haus.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I have no real reason for writing a comment, except that I deem tonight "Courtney appreciate night." I just wanted you to know that I dropped in and read all your blog entries that I hadn't seen yet.
Congratulations on making it through the semester, Court. You are beautifully vibrant and artistic and thoughtful.