Sunday, July 02, 2006


this will be short and narrative-like (for once) because i want to read my book, Bee Season.

Today was good. Today and yesterday coupled together were good, actually. I went to Christ Community for the first time in well over a month and a half, and it was so refreshing seeing every one again...Mary, Camilo, Sarah, Julie, Lizbeth Swayne, etc. Many members of this church feel like family members, even though i haven't spent loads of time with any single individual, save Laura and possibly Lizbeth Swayne. Maybe it's just the warmth and their candidness that creates that 'homey' environment. whenever I go to church i feel like my mind is cleared and 'reset,' and all the darkness is dispelled. Sometimes I wonder what heaven will be like...i'm 'refreshed' only one day a week, sometimes less if i'm lazy and bogged down...what will it be like to be perpetually renewed while basking in God's glory?

Anyways, I finally got to catch up with Meagan after church and we spent the afternoon on Franklin Street at UNC. That too, felt like home...eating at familiar restaurants, walking through UNC's beautiful upper quad and the arboretum, ending at Starbucks for some much-needed (free) water after battling the oppresive north carolina humidity. It was fun to dream a little bit; Meagan is the notorious planner and optimist and we started discussing study-abroad and getting apartments (and a dog? umm...agh?) junior year. She initiated it...but you know, it's fun to dream a bit. except for the dog. we'll have to see...

Then i went to work (work=no pay, no recognition, nada) at the DTH to write my captions. I was pretty pleased with this batch of photos. I shot the Hillsborough Last Friday festival, and it's quite fulfilling as a photographer to see things that i learned in Chile/J80/the morehead workshop spill over into my work...naturally and subconsciously. I'm back in the 'groove' with photojournalism again (screw Keena's advice about ncstate...bah) and am liking that i can control my camera and photo situations pretty well, compared to january when i was clueless. and it sounds cheezy and insincere, but i sincerely mean it when i say i am excited about what the next semester brings with photo-j. the work is really fulfilling. and i like macs.

we had another family meal tonight. afterwards i curled up in my grandpa's chair and read a bit and dabbled in sudoku while my dad perused through the washington post and my grandpa edited old poetry. it was really cozy and long has it been since i actually sat in the same room with my dad, let alone my grandpa? and reading instead of tv...when did this happen???? :)

at any rate, i'm thinking that this lack of a job thing might not be so bad after all. i'm finding (productive) ways to keep busy, and as hard as it is for me to not rely on school to dictate structure, i think it is important to learn how to rest. besides, i've got dozens of books waiting for me.

I'll end this here. I wonder what i'll do tomorrow.

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