Sunday, July 09, 2006


i can't change the background color to black on the html template. i want this template, only with white text and a black background.


Rick said...

black background with white text is overrated. back when I was playing around with html and reading up on website design, black with white text was actually advised against, i think because it's harsher on the eyes or something. The traditional white with black text is actually the most favorable to readers. White is sometimes kind of bright for me, so I like kind of like light gray as a background myself.

if you have a large amount of text, like your blog does, I would stick with a lighter background and darker text rather than the other way around. But if it's mainly photos, then black background would be fine, cause photos come alive better with black background, as you already know.

Still if you want to change the color scheme on the html template. Go to it and find the hexidecimal code for the color scheme and change it and see what you get. You can type in "hexidecimal colors" in google and you'll get some charts with codes for basic colors you can use. I'll go look on the template and see where the code goes...

Rick said...

Ok, i kind of found it.

go to the html template part of blogger and find the body tag

it should be something that looks like this:

<. body blah blah blah something=something .>

except without the periods or it might have {'s instead of <'s, etc.

and then there's a part that should say color=#[insert number here] or background=#[insert number here]

the number after the # symbol should either be 3 digits or 6 digitals and that's the hexidecimal code for the color scheme. if it's 3 digits then each digit represent R, G, and B respectively and you can replace each of the digits with 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,or f to vary the intensity of each color. If it's 6 digits then the first pair is red, second pair is green, and the third pair is blue. I think. I just know they work in pairs.

so in 3 digits, f00 should be pure red, 0f0 should be pure green, and 00f should be pure blue. So that would make 000 pure black and fff pure white. (so 000000 or ffffff in 6 digits.) I think. and I think the color codes also always come after the symbol "#". I think.

chut said...

there was nothing whatsoever in the template that said "background" or "color". i think maybe because it's one of those pre-made things? hmm.

Rick said...

ok, so the problem with trying to edit your page's layout from looking at your source code is that you are using a template that uses cascading style sheets. It's basically like it's loading a file with a presetted style. i don't know anything about css, but in theory, i guess you would have to edit the original css file in order to edit the style. i think. but where did you find the template? I made a new blog so I could mess around with the template and figure it out for you, but I don't see on the blogger templates...

in terms of image sizes, it's kind of simple but also kind of tricky, because it might work differently for different browsers. I know that the code I use on blogger doesn't work on livejournal. But in any case, when you put in a picture, you use the "img" tag. so it's like <. img src="link to photo here" blah blah blah .>

put in that tag, somewhere after img, width= or height= or both, depends on which you want to fix. If you don't define the other, then it will scale the photo proportionally. after the =, you can put in just a number or a percentage. If you put in just a number, you are defining the number of pixels, usually you would use a 3 digit or longer number, because 100 pixels on the average screen is pretty small. If you put in a percentage, which is normally what I do, you are either defininf the percentage of its original size OR the percentage of the available space to display the photo, depending on the browser. So maybe pixels would be better.

You can also put a border on your photos within the image tag by adding the command border=[insert number here] the number defines how thick the border is.

another cool command you can put in the img tag is the alt="..."
put some text in there with quotation marks and it will do several things. one, if the image doesn't load, that text will display. two, if you hover over the image, that text will display. so you could use it for captions or whatever.

To align the photos (I like to center mine) put in <.center .> what to want to center <./. center .>

(remember to remove the periods, I put them in there so the browser doesn't read them as real tags.

If you keep the img tags in the same line in the code, it will generally by default put the photos next to each other. I usually type in a space so they don't merge together.

to put the image on the next line you could just push enter or return and start on the next line of code. But some browsers don't recognize return keys, in that case you can force a break by putting in the break tag, which is <. br .> without the periods or spaces.

Rick said...
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Rick said...

on CSS

Elizabeth said...

Your blog keep scaring me every time I go to check it. I see all this blinding white and I think, "Oh no, where did Courtney go!?" When will it be fixed?