Saturday, July 08, 2006

hitchin a ride

that's the name of the song i'm listening to right now as I let my windows media player randomly select songs out of a couple thousand songs buried in my computer's library. i have no idea who sings it. i don't particularly like it, either.

12:04 has rolled around. If i were a chilean I would be going to a discoteca right now, as everything opens at midnight. Maybe at heart I am chilean with regards to my night-owlship. I am at my peak at midnight. It's when my creative juices are rapidly flowing...I can spit out an eloquent greek history paper, i can read something and understand it with much more's when i enjoy whatever state I am in: the moments of solitude are enjoyed ten-fold, the online conversations are multiplied by three and last three times as long, the physical companionship is drawn out until three or four a.m. (when joe or colleen or julie or carolyn or laura or any of my friends are at my side...tangibly). If I could choose, I would do everything at night. I would create a lifestyle conducive to the night...waking up at sunset and going to sleep right after sunrise. Why bother with oppressive heat and noise and traffic? Even the colors are is much more practical at sunrise, sunset...and much more intruiging at night. night runs and night dips in the lake and night conversations on the rooftop. duh, they wouldn't happen every evening...but when compared to high noon runs (=heat exhaustion, death) and high noon dips in the lake (=exposed, vigilant, sun-burned) and high noon lunch conversations (=hurried, rushed, long lines), the night is preferable. nights are when daytime hermits grow into butterflies.

and so for now, i will continue sitting on the screened in porch with my windows media players selecting songs for my listening. i will continue editing photos of chicken salad and millipedes and little boys' rosy cheeks. and maybe when i feel like leaving the porch, i will finish book number nine.


Elizabeth said...

i feel like this is when you left me that awesome late-night phone message. is it?

chut said...
