Sunday, January 08, 2006


so on my eight hour road trip today i was thinking about christmas break...and trying to encapsulate it in a single, unadulterated image. i couldn't really come up with one image (westminster at night, emily's bedroom, my knitting hands, the world as a blur on new year's eve..heheh, my joint bedroom with colleen, and everyday section of the st. louis post dispatch all come to mind, among images of faces...friends, family, etc). However, I do like this picture, because I think it sums up a lot of my break and pinpoints the overall atmosphere. in the background is my 'beloved' bread co (which i had just cleaned, thankyouverymuch). In the foreground is colleen (duh). she's taking a break from grad apps and laughing at some fugly devon rex pseudo-cat, her latest obsession. i can't help but laugh when i look at this picture...we were able to laugh like the old days and it was nice. i'm quite grateful for you, colleen, and i'm glad we had oodles of time to just "be." be sisters, i suppose.

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