Thursday, May 24, 2007


I'd like to get a nose ring. On my left-side. I still can't bring myself to do it...I can't think of a good enough reason, other than "it's cute" and "I'm bored with my pierced ears." I guess it's one of those things where you can't really come up with an "original" reason to jump on the bandwagon.

today's mood--->

I finished the 5th Harry Potter book today. I'm really excited about the new book and the new movie...ahhhh. It's one of those nice pleasures that you forget about while your studying "real" things at the University. But Harry Potter is wicked.

I guess that concludes this post. I don't have any profound thoughts of the day. It's just been a pleasant, lazy summer afternoon. Oh, and I made afternoon scones today. Tomorrow I think I might make a summer squash medley and ride my bike to the pool.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I'm rereading Harry Potter 6 in preparation for the 7th to come out, except I bought the French version, so I could practice French at the same time. I love how it forces me to really concentrate on the words themselves and how they combine to create images. You can lose that from skimming. Anyway, I agree, Harry Potter may not be high-literature, but it's truly wicked.

As for summer ennui, I'm about to find out for myself whether I come down with a case of it this year or whether I'll be way too culture-shocked to even think straight. I have a really busy summer... But school hasn't even ended here yet.
Anyway, from past experience, and as evidenced by certain facebook photo albums, I totally totally can relate to the feeling :)