Wednesday, June 14, 2006

update, as if life was on hold.

i ought to be writing a book as opposed to a blog post, as i don´t know where to begin. i have too many thoughts, too many experiences. my brain is thinking visually, spatially, audially...anything but in written form. i could discuss long hours in the newsroom spent imaging, sequencing, splicing, captioning, and saving for web design. i could discuss everything that happens afterwards...the discotecas, the piscolas, the carretes, the madrugadas. sights...the desert or santiago? smog. andes. flamingos. photography. splash pages, maya, 3d design, adobe rgb. jargon suffices, indeed.

and then there´s all the stuff that can´t be documented in word or photograph but exists as mere growing experiences. learning how to work with an incompatible editor. learning how to live with seemingly incompatible roomates. and then seeing deeper. lesson of the day: people are more than skin-deep. those who seem most unlovable, most abrasive and unreachable, are usually the most beautiful. and all of life is a paradox.

but perhaps i´ll save that for later. perhaps i´ll write a book about this month. perhaps i´ll write it down in my chilean notebook with its graph paper lines. or maybe i´ll just keep it in my mind, like the rest of my memories that are aching to be put on paper but lie dormant until further notice.

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